Sunday, November 12, 2006

One more day

Tomorrow is the day, and I have seen very few ideas. Come on people show me something interesting that will take a week.


At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion for an app that a lot of nerds that have who deal with paper work.

Fax over Skype!

maybe could start with faxing pdfs.

This would help out so many people and stick it to the big phone companies at the same time. This would so rock!!!

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 4:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

An application for Windows that replicates the Mac's "Expose" functionality.

At 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for Expose, that would be hella hard but pretty sweet

At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is a suggestion for about a week of coding...
a torrent downloading / scheduling agent.

Let me explain:

I need a tool into witch I can
1: keep track of my current (last)episode from a season ..
2: it must download the torrent / start it in utorrent, or may this application also be yet another torrent client!!!

like that:
current seasons:
simpsons (current : s18e05)
and the software must actually search for s18e06 from the bittorrent sites and get it as soon as we get a match for that search for at least 80-90% of the search result.. then download it (the .torrent file) and start it in utorrent.. or once again.. if you can code the torrent client the same week ;) ...

I think the focus MUST be based on TV SERIES only... I hardly see the way to get the next best hit game/apps.. and maybe music could be done... get all releases by genre / musical style.. but then again...

I would really like this tool to automatically get the tv shows...

Right now.. I have to
1: look in my tv show folders / the said show / the current season / the show ... for all my tv shows... 1 by 1 .. to ONLY KNOW / REMEMBER what i s the last episode I have.. THEN I must see if there is a new episode out for that show... and IF SO , download it , THEN AGAIN transfer that file back to the tv shows / that show / folder... quite a PAIN... (I have 7 - 8 shows that I download 0 day and watch.. (I work during that time.. and I find it WAY more convenient than my very own vcr!) so I dont see any problems with tv shows being online! But honestly.. once in a while I find out I missed a few shows.. I'm back scheduled.. and honestly It's hard sometimes to catch back... so If I could always have the latest available show (and all previous) automatically saved / downloaded to my computer .. it would be great

some prerequistes..
1- must be able to search from different websites (some predefined, some user based) aka: mininova demonoid and the likes...
and user can put privates like bitmetv or others..

2- must use some match accuracy function on search titles.. to allow for s03e18 and s3e18 to have an equal chance!

madlogik (47) gmail (d07) com

At 2:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was the deleted comment?

At 2:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am curious. is it going to be open source? and what programming language will you be developing it in??

hmmm sugesstions, let me see...

possibly a simple music organising program, that can edit id tags, get album info of freedb or cddb...nothing flash, but something that will help me organise my 8000+ songs would be handy...

At 2:15 AM, Blogger The Fred said...

Hasn't the mac Expose thing been done a hojillion times? I know of
>a friend who just finished coding his version
>at least two XP "commercial" clones

so if you look hard enough, you can probably find an open-source one, too.

ANyway, on to my suggestion.

Something I've wanted to do for a LOOONG time, but don't have the skillz to do (meesa noob coder).

An app that takes two music libraries, compares them, and outputs a list of files based on simple operations (aka intersect, null in one, etc)

Then, take that list, and pull out the files on the list. This way, I could swap library lists with a friend (exported via iTunes), I could determine what music I have that he doesn't, burn it to CD, and vice versa.

++ if the app can take semi-Sql queries
++ if it can handle attributes such as playcount, ratings, date added, etc

BTW, are you using C# like the jedi?

At 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Expose thing has been done numerous times - but nothing that works well. Vista will have supposedly polished thou.

2) If you do a music organizer as suggested above - something that would handle different language packs inside of the mp3 tags would be great - cause winamp, itunes and wmp - all screw up my Cyrillic encoding - thou Russian works fine in all other programs and files. Thou if you don't' know another language - that would be difficult for you to test.

Other then that Great Work, mate!


At 2:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're looking for suggestions. :)

Seriously, this would be awesome and you should do it.

At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the reason that no one is postin ideas is because you waited too long between this and an app a day. all of the publisity fell away.

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Michael said...

As it so happens, anonymous 2 posts behind me, that's the app I'm starting with, the drop tagger or file cloud thingie, whatever you want to call it.


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