Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sorry for the hiatus -- I've moved again

Every few months, my family and I move household, just to stay in fighting trim. Our current coordinates are now here. Ponce, Puerto Rico is a very strange place. It's ... it's like New Castle, Indiana, in that there are townies and non-townies, but the townies have been here for five hundred years. It's part of the United States. Kind of. It's a foreign country. Kind of. It's tropical, but dry. It's hot, but breezy.

We're here because my son is healthier here. We're not sure why, but when you're talking about allergies and kidney disease, you don't argue, you just go with what works. For some reason, his physical health is better here. Socially things are different; we don't speak Spanish very well, and so things can get somewhat sparse. But we do have a lot of friends in town (we've been here off and on for three years now) and so we get by. But after about six months to a year, you start thinking of those libraries and restaurants in Bloomington, and then you decide to go back. Or you start thinking about Europe. That's the last two times we left Puerto Rico. But proteinuria lab results bring us back every time. We just wish we knew why...

Anyway, all is not lost with respect to AppAWeek; as soon as I have a reliable Internet connection, now that the Indiana house has been made ready for the market and the Puerto Rico household has again been retrieved from the storage unit, I should be ready to reengage. In the meantime, um, I dunno, go play Tetris or whatever the kids are doing this year.