Thursday, December 07, 2006

*pfft*, *pfft*, is this thing on?

So it's come to my attention that the whole app-a-week thing needs a little help. And far be it from me to say that Microsoft junkies are, you know, all talk and no go, because Dana sure beat hell out of that theory, but it looks like I'm all they can find. And I ain't your father's Microsoft man.

Dana here, I'll be writing in red from here on out. Sure, blue is more "jedi" like, but I'm not one to conform.

Welcome Michael!

Oh, sure, I used to do the Microsoft thing (back in the 80's when we had to carve our apps from stone and raw machine code, then hand-encode them on the toggle switches on Windows 3.1's front panel). In the 90's, though, I found paid employment in this new-fangled Internet thing, saw how comparatively easy it is to slap a form onto a browser from clean code on the server, and never looked back.

Well -- until I did, of course. I still run Windows on my desktop (some habits die hard) and I still do the occasional desktop coding work. Nowadays I usually use wxPython for GUI work, and for general hacking around on textually oriented or XML-based data, I love Perl, the original write-only language, whether I'm using it on Unix or Windows. I can sling that stuff out pretty quick. Maybe not an app a day (because let's face it, I'm not suicidal, plus I'm 40 years old with a family and my own business and can't spend hours a day coding these days) but I think maybe I can manage an app a week.

Oh -- another bit of disclosure. While I used to code daily for a living, in about 2002 the recession forced me to the realization that my management skillz suck. I was losing money fast because I don't know how to run a software consultancy sole proprietorship (in the 90's it was easy, people just threw money at me and I did stuff). Fortunately, my language skillz, unlike my management skillz, are pretty good. Over the course of the next couple of years, I built a technical translation business from scratch, and that's where my money comes from now. Which is a roundabout way of saying that if I disappear for a few days, it's because I'm working hard on a translation job with a tight deadline -- and they all have tight deadlines, let me tell you.

No problem, here at we're used to people disappearing!

But be that as it may, here I am. We'll see how long I last. I might actually turn my hand to this .NET stuff you young people keep talking about, but probably not. I'm not convinced it's good for more than flashy desktop toys. Not to mention that .NET may go away tomorrow and Microsoft would just grin at the look on your face. Python and Perl, though, are here to stay, and they're supported by more than just one monopolistic group of people.

Oh yeah, .NET may just go away tomorrow while Microsoft grins... That's as likely as the world abondoning Python. Don't be rediculous.

I've started noodling on a first weekly app, but unfortunately (true to form) the last week has been grueling from a translation work perspective. Interestingly, just today I wrote my own specialized text editor in wxPython. Tell me you can do that in .NET, and I may believe you, but probably not. I'll post details about the text editor as soon as I have time to write it up -- in the meantime, though, I have to use it to finish this translation job.

Aha! A challenge. Please, give details!

And on that note, I close. Dana, I think you're going to have a run for your money if you still want to say that Linux guys can't hack this Jedi thing.

I'll beleive it when I see it. So let me end this post by repeating myself. Linux guys can't handle AnAppADay. AnAppAWeek? Maybe... we'll see.


At 5:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah... good to see that we have an new Jedi (or at least an apprentice). Also nice to see you are going to do Linux stuff. This way I can get nice new apps on both sides of my dual booter.
Good luck Micheal and if I have a good idea for an app, I will drop another line.

At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael, are you involed with gamera ?

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Well, we had some hot dates back in the day, but I haven't heard from her lately, no.

Oh -- maybe you're talking about something else... :-) No, I'm not. Ha.

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Linux! Python!

I sure hope you keep it on. I'm just learning Python and am very enthusiastic about it. Just need some help I guess :P

Good luck!

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Chris Goetschius said...

Wow... all the .NET bashing. While it may not be the best platform for all things, it's not that bad. Strict .NET is cross platform compatible thanks to the Mono project. The ease of creating GUI's in .NET has me using C# for all my GUI's. I'll put the number crunching in a dll and then call it from the front-end of the app. Really fast development, and a really fast app.

"I wrote my own specialized text editor in wxPython."
And you want a cookie? Of course you can do something like that in .NET. I really want to know why you think it's incapable... I could easily do AnAppADay if I didn't work 50-60 hours a week.

Frankly, I've haven't played much with python, so I can't comment on the language. I just expect the same the other way around.

At 5:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

A witch! Burn him!

At 7:34 PM, Blogger Michael said...

I found it really easy in wxPython. I don't want a cookie, I just wanted an editor I could use for a specialized task, and I got one. I've never seen .NET used to override the things I wanted to override, and it worked marvelously in wxPython.

The key is: I know it's doable in wxPy. I don't know it's doable in .NET. I'm not sure my little posting is "all that .NET bashing." Would you rather I took my shoes off when I entered your cathedral?

By the way, saying you could "easily" do an app a day if you didn't have paying work is like saying you could have that chick if you had the time. You think we're all sitting around unemployed, or what? I'd jump at the chance to experience your carefree 50-hour-a-week existence.

But I'm getting the sense you started out with less snark in mind, and it kind of snowballed from there. That's cool. If I'm striking a nerve, I know I'm doing my job. Welcome to here!

With any luck, and if the Muse smiles, I will have feats of legerdemaine to astound and amaze each and every one of you!

And I'll continue to bash .NET a whole lot, because I think it's funny when Dana cries. (He tries to hide it, but I can tell.)

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Michael said...

But I take that back. Yeah, a cookie sounds really good. I'm hungry!

At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, it seems that the feeds are not working. The last post that appears is from November 11th.

I was thinking the site was abandoned!

At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mr. jedi... can you pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease change your logo on the i've even made you one (long time ago) it's here:

if ya like it, i can even cut it out for you :p


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