Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Special-purpose editor #1 complete and documented

Whew. It took some doing, because there were a few things I wanted to fix with my various freaky tools I use to do this well-documented programming, but the first in the series is complete.

Feast your eyes!

(Note: full documentation for my projects is on my own site; some of this stuff is probably going to be pretty long, way too long for this blog.)

Anyway, it's a pretty boilerplate wxPython program, with barebones user interaction. I have some stock code I use for menus, but it's rather crude and underdeveloped. Still and all, this thing does what it's supposed to do, and it took me longer to document it than to write it (thanks to my reworking my documentation toolset today. Sigh.)

Next up: the filetagger app! This suggestion from the forum allows you to toss files from anywhere into a simple document manager, tag them, and generate a tag cloud to see what's what. Should be cool. And the clock starts .... now! (I got a week, right? Right.)


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